by Charles Hall | May 3, 2014 | Computer
Change wallpaper Shake up your desktop wallpaper, the image that you see whenever you login. You can either find an image online (make sure it is large and high quality, at least 1400 px wide), or find a photo in your documents. Then right-click on the image file and...
by Charles Hall | May 3, 2014 | Computer
1. What’s your budget? How much can you really afford to spend on a computer? Be honest with yourself, and make sure you keep your technology spending in proportion to your overall budget. There’s always going to be a computer that’s even better that costs...
by IT Support Services | May 3, 2014 | Computer
Is there one optimal position for computer use? Simply put, we are all different and there is not one single “optimal” position that will fit everyone or their needs. Look for ergonomic guides, and adjust yourself based on what feels right for you, and what leaves...
by Charles Hall | May 3, 2014 | Computer
As a Vanier employee, you find when you login to a College computer that you have two drives mapped in My Computer, one called Data (O:) and one with your username, which is the P: drive. In addition, you also have the Local Disk (C:) and Removable Storage drives....
by Charles Hall | May 3, 2014 | Computer
How do I get technical support from ITSS? The IT Helpdesk is your complete resource for your IT questions and issues. If you do not have your question answered by this website, email or call local 7529. Full technical and support staff are...
by Charles Hall | May 1, 2014 | Computer, Security
Leaving your computer on and unlocked when you are not in front of it is a security risk. If you leave the computer unattended, even if you are just going to the printer, you should lock your computer. It only takes a few extra seconds of your time and can protect...