Update to Login Process

As you may know Vanier is launching its new portal this Wednesday October 8 at 10:00 a.m. As part of this new feature as of Wednesday October 8th at 10:00 a.m. all staff and faculty logging in to Omnivox will have to use their email prefix and email...

Vanier Interactive Map

In an ongoing effort to make the Vanier experience easier for students and employees, Vanier IT Support Services is excited to launch an all-new interactive map for the entire campus. Available at map.vaniercollege.qc.ca and including the campus layout as well as...

Microsoft Office at Home

*Updated January 2018* Your employee computer at Vanier includes Microsoft Office, enabling you to use all the common productivity tools included in it, like Word, Excel, Outlook, and PowerPoint. However, you are also eligible to install Office on your home computer,...

Password & Account Security

Internet privacy is an especially hot topic these days, between surveillance programs, social network tracking, and the Heartbleed SSL bug. While websites are getting more secure, hackers themselves are also smarter than before. In 2005, 1.6 million identity theft...