
Keeping you updated with what's happening regarding ITSS

What are the “O:” & “P:” network drives?

Learn how to use the College network drives to store your personal information and College information within policy. As a Vanier employee, you find when you login to a College computer that you have two drives mapped in My Computer, one called Data (O:) and one with your username, which is the P: drive.

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Email Spam

Make sure you can recognize email messages that aren’t authentic, and ensure you’re protected against sophisticated spoofing attempts. To protect your computer from spam, you should always take precautions described, and avoid phishing attempts

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Exporting/Importing Mail from Outlook

Do you need to get your email out of Outlook, or make sure your email files can be moved to another account?

You can export your email and mail folders, calendar and appointments, tasks, notes and additional content from Outlook as a .pst file and import everything in one go onto a different computer or into another mail profile.

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Protect your Social Media Privacy

Social media sites such as Facebook, Google+, Instagram and Twitter have made it easy for people to communicate and share information. However, with the ability to post personal information about yourself and others, there are associated privacy concerns.
Take a moment to think about what information you are making available online.

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Email Etiquette

As a Vanier student, staff or faculty member, you use email every day to communicate to friends, classmates, teachers, colleagues and business professionals. Emails written in a professional context differ greatly from those you might write to friends in a social context. Here are some tips on how to be effective in your communication to get the best results.

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Lock your Computer

Leaving your computer on and unlocked when you are not in front of it is a security risk to yourself and the College. Make sure your information stays secure when you step away from your computer by following this simple tip.

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