Transfer contacts from Outlook to Gmail

If you’re leaving your Vanier email, you have the option to take your contacts with you, by transferring them to another provider, such as Gmail. You can export your Outlook contacts to Google Gmail by following these steps: In Outlook, on the File menu,...

Email Spam

Email spam is defined as unsolicited mass email. Some spam is simply a nuisance, while other can contain offensive content, viruses, or links to phishing (fraudulent) websites. To protect your computer from spam, you should always take precautions including: Only open...

Exporting/Importing Mail from Outlook

You can easily export your email and email folder, calendars, etc from Outlook as a .pst file, and then simply import it onto another computer running Microsoft Outlook. IMPORTANT: Exchange account data contained in any messages, attachments, calendars, contacts etc....

Email Etiquette

As a Vanier student, staff or faculty member, you use email every day to communicate to friends, classmates, teachers, colleagues and business professionals. Email can be an effective tool for requesting and sending information, especially when you cannot meet face to...

Personal Information & Identity Theft

When your personal information is compromised, you can be a victim of identity theft. The information below covers identity theft and ways to protect yourself. What is Identity Theft? How can my identity be stolen? How can my personal information be used? How can I...